pub use self::execute_webhook::ExecuteWebhook;
pub use self::update_webhook_message::UpdateWebhookMessage;
- execute_
webhook - update_
webhook_ message - Update a message created by a webhook via execution.
- Create
Webhook - Create a webhook in a channel.
- Delete
Webhook - Delete a webhook by its ID.
- Delete
Webhook Message - Delete a message created by a webhook.
- Execute
Webhook AndWait - Execute a webhook, sending a message to its channel, and then wait for the message to be created.
- GetChannel
Webhooks - Get all the webhooks of a channel.
- GetWebhook
- Get a webhook by ID.
- GetWebhook
Message - Get a webhook message by webhook ID, token, and message ID.
- Update
Webhook - Update a webhook by ID.
- Update
Webhook With Token - Update a webhook, with a token, by ID.